
I help my clients acquire new users and make more money with their web businesses. I have ten years of experience with SaaS projects. If that’s something you need help with, we should get in touch!
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You don't need microservices.

I regularly receive requests to work on microservices. Here is my position.

If you are a small business (say, less than 100 million euros), the odds are you’d be better off with a monolithic architecture for your next project. If you are starting or have a small team (less than ten persons), the microservice approach will most likely not help you grow your business.

What are microservices?

A microservice setup usually goes like this:

By introducing separated databases or message queues, you add new moving parts to the system, and new classes of bugs appear.

Microservices misconceptions

Microservices is still a popular pattern in the tech crowd because of two assumptions:

The two ideas above understate that this separation introduces technical complexity and new classes of bugs.

The problems

I used to think microservices would improve things because isolation helps isolate problems. To me, that seemed like a clean way to expose HTTP APIs.

I’ve since been part of three projects that involved microservices. They all were massive failures, in the sense that the time to production was completely disconnected from the actual business complexity (by a factor of, say, four: they were about four times longer to build than initially expected). It was not a question of capacity: in all cases, the team had great persons. It’s just that building and debugging microservices take time.

Being slow on purpose is not what I think is suitable for my clients’ products: I prefer short feedback loops between the development and usage of the product.

Separation of concerns, in itself, is usually a good thing; that’s how you manage to have testable code. In some cases, that’s how you extract some code to make it reusable. But I now think that going all-in on the separation of concerns is a tech whim instead of a solution to a business need, and probably for a long time.

That’s the idea for microservices: they can’t share data, they all are stateless, and they have a small responsibility. Microservices introduces complexity at many levels:

In summary

All of this is doable and possible, but for small businesses this is hardly compatible with the goal of shipping quickly.

The best summary I’ve found on the complexity slide from code to infra was on Hackers news, a few years ago:

You need to be this tall to use [micro] services:

Thing is - these are all generally good engineering practices.

But with monoliths, you can get away without having to do them. There is the “login to server, clone, run some commands, start a stupid nohup daemon and run ps/top/tail to monitor” way. But with microservices, your average engineering standards have to be really high. Its not enough if you have good developers. You need great engineers.

It matches my experience; it requires technical expertise that you may not need: Peter Levels runs a million-dollar business with SQLite on a single machine. That’s another extreme. If you want us to work together, I’d rather help you shipping quickly instead of focusing on an idea of technical perfection.

Those details may not matter if you are starting if you don’t find your market anyway.

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